Restaurant Solitary

Tue-Sat 18.00, 19.00, 20.00 & 21.00

Restaurant SOLITARY

Dinner experience based on high quality handwork and seasonal ingredients with respect to nature. Relax, unwind and enjoy our heart-felt hospitality. Restaurant Solitary is located in Kuru Resort’s main building, 800 meters from Järvisydän.

We want to offer only the best, and that’s why every detail has been carefully considered. For us, the word solitary reflects, in addition to the isolation of the restaurant, going your own way and trusting your own style and doing. Instead of quantity, we focus on quality and that’s why we offer a Chef’s Menu that changes according to the season.


The Chef’s menu changes according to the season and is based on the natural ingredients surrounding the restaurant; fish, game as well as berries from Saimaa region, mushrooms and wild herbs from the nearby forests.

The menu contains at least 6 dishes and lives entirely according to the ingredients that our local producer network delivers to our kitchen at any time. Craftsmanship and respect for raw materials is at the core of what we do.

Tue-Sat at 18.00, 19.00, 20.00 & 21.00

Chef’s Menu 93 €

Warm welcome.

Remi Trémouille, the head chef & owner


Please note that Kuru Private Resort is only for adults. Booking required. Kuru is within a walking distance from Järvisydän.